Aphidius for Aphid Control

Aphidius for Aphid Control

Aphidius colemani - Parasitic Wasp

Aphidius, a small parasitic wasp, specializes in parasitizing aphid species such as green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), melon aphid (Aphis gossypii), and cow pea aphid (Aphis craccivora), among others.

It is widely recognized for its efficacy in both indoor and outdoor crops like capsicum, cucumber, tomato, chrysanthemum, and various ornamentals, as part of integrated pest management programs.

Measuring between 3 to 5 mm, Aphidius is a black wasp. The female wasp lays an egg inside an aphid, which then hatches into a larva. The larva feeds on the aphid's internal tissues, eventually causing its death. Aphidius parasitizes both immature and adult aphids, including winged and wingless forms.

After feeding, the Aphidius larva pupates inside the aphid's body and forms a cocoon, giving the aphid's body a distinctive gold or bronze appearance known as an aphid "mummy."

Upon maturation, the adult wasp chews a precise circular hole in the mummy's abdomen to emerge. This emergence hole is visible once the Aphidius has completed its development.

Adult Aphidius wasps primarily feed on plant nectar and honeydew produced by aphids. The females are highly mobile, actively searching for aphid colonies, even small ones.

Naturally occurring in the northern regions of New Zealand, Aphidius may also be present in home gardens during late spring, summer, and early autumn. However, their numbers are often insufficient to effectively control aphids in these settings.

Aphidius poses no threat to humans or animals, and it is not expected to have any adverse environmental impacts.

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The pest: whitefly (left) & the solution: Encarsia (right)

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Normal whitefly pupa (white) and parasitized pupa (black). An adult Encarsia will emerge from the black scale(right)

The Pest: Aphids

Many different species of aphid are present in New Zealand. Some species are quite specific to particular crops, while other species infest a wide range of crops.

Aphids are soft-bodied insects that have globular bodies, long thin legs and antennae. Adult body length is normally 2-3 mm, and colour varies from pale yellow, green to dark brown or black. Some forms have wings and they can disperse rapidly.

Under optimum conditions, the life cycle of an aphid can be completed in 10-12 days. Many species reproduce asexually, and therefore populations can build up very rapidly.

Aphids feed with piercing-sucking mouthparts and can cause stunting and distortion, especially to younger leaves. Aphids are often plant virus vectors, and therefore rapid and effective control is essential to minimize crop losses.

Symptoms and signs of aphids include

  • Stunting and distortion of the leaves and flowers

  • Yellowing and wilting of leaves

  • Honey dew and sooty mould present on the plants

  • Aphids visible on the stem, leaves and flower buds

Life Cycle

The development of Aphidius from egg to adult takes approximately 14 days at 21 C. An adult female can live for about 10 days at this temperature, and can lay up to 300 eggs in her lifetime. A sex ratio of two females to one male is common.

Environmental Conditions

Aphidius is best suited to temperatures between 18°C and 30°C, and sustained temperatures over 30°C may reduce the effectiveness of this parasite.


Aphidius is dispatched as mummies packed in a Petri dish or vial, and sent via courier. Some Aphidius may emerge in transit, but this is normal.

Application Rates

  • 0.2 Aphidius mummies per m2 as a PREVENTATIVE measure, preferably weekly or bi-weekly before aphids are found in the crop

  • 1-5 Aphidius mummies per m2 as a light to moderate CURATIVE measure, over several weeks as aphids are found in the crop

    • Heavier infestations of aphids can benefit from the simultaneous release of ladybird beetles and/or Orius, or may require initial chemical intervention (contact Bioforce to discuss).

Because aphids breed very quickly, it is recommended that Aphidius is released at the first sign of aphid appearance. Aphidius can be hampered in summer from the presence of hyperparasites.

Release and Storage Instructions

Aphidius need the following handling and treatment:

  • On arrival, release Aphidius into the crop as soon as possible

  • Do not expose Aphidius to direct sunlight


  • Open the Petri dish or vial only once you are in the area in which Aphidius are to be released

  • Release Aphidius near an aphid 'hot spot', and then evenly distribute the mummies throughout the area requiring treatment

Post Release

Aphidius will start parasitising aphids immediately on release, although you will not be able to confirm this until the parasitised aphid starts turning golden after 7 days (at 26°C) or longer if the average temperature is lower.

Before introducing Aphidius into your crop please check residual chemical affects and ensure you know chemical compatibilities of products that may be applied.

A list of compatible pesticides and withholding periods can be found in the publication 'The Good Bug Book' Second Edition (2002), Editor Richard Llewellyn. Excerpts of the book can be obtained from the Aphidius page of the Australasian Biological Control Association website, click here then scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the PDF link.