Nematop - Heterorhabditis bacteriophora


Entomopathogenic nematode, species Heterorhabditis bacteriophora

Infective juveniles of a threadworm that parasitises a large variety of insect prey, including black vine weevils (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) and grass grubs. 100% safe to humans and pets.

nematop® contains "infective juveniles", the hunting life-stage.

The infective juveniles of nematop® actively seek out suitable prey. Once found, they crawl inside the prey through breathing spiracles or other orifices, release a beneficial bacteria to break the pests internal organs down and feeds on the bacterial slurry. The nematodes then breed in the cadaver, which eventually breaks apart releasing more nematodes into the soil.

Products: nematop®

  • rimarily used for the control of black vine weevils and grass grubs in soil and turfbtn order

  • Powdered formulation

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The pest: whitefly (left) & the solution: Encarsia (right)

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Normal whitefly pupa (white) and parasitized pupa (black). An adult Encarsia will emerge from the black scale(right)

The Pest: Black Vine Weevil

The black vine weevil attacks a wide range of plants, but is especially problematic in broadleaved evergreens such as Camellias and Rhododendrons.

Both adults and their grubs cause damage to the plants, however the damage from the grubs is generally considered more significant to the survival and well-being of the plant. The grubs, which live in the soil, cause chewing damage to the roots of the plant, reducing nutrient and water uptake, and making it more susceptible to soil-borne diseases. Adults live above ground, are flightless, and chew patches in the leaves from the exterior margins.

Life Cycle

Enforce lays its eggs within the whitefly larvae developing on the leaves. Enforce can eat whitefly eggs and young larvae, the preference is to lay eggs in the third and fourth larvae instars.

A wasp life cycle will take between 10 and 30 days, depending on temperature.

Environmental Conditions

Enforce works best at temperatures of 20-28 C, below 18 C the wasp's activity decreases, and temperatures above 38 C are lethal. Temperature is required to be above 10.3C for the Enforce larvae to develop.


Enforce is supplied as black parasitized greenhouse whitefly nymphs or black 'scale' on cardboard tags, and the adult wasp emerges from this 'scale'.

Two tag sizes are available:

Application Rates

  • 50 million nematodes treats 100 m2 of soil/media

  • Or 10,000 nematodes per litre of potting mix

  • Or 15,000 nematodes per litre of substrates containing a high composted green waste or perlite content

Apply to the soil surrounding plants in Spring and Autumn to control the grub stages of the black vine weevil. Applications in the evening protect the nematodes from UV light and desiccation, allowing them time to crawl into the soil for protection.

Please seek the assistance of a crop scout or phone or email us directly for guidance. The advice above is indicative only, and more specific advice may be beneficial.

The nematodes are infective when the media temperature ranges from 12 to 25°C. At higher and lower temperatures, nematode efficacy decreases.

The media should be moist but not sodden. Nematodes cannot swim and cannot move effectively in water-saturated potting mix.

Release and Storage Instructions

  • nematop® should be used as soon as possible upon delivery.

  • The package may be stored at 4 to 10°C, such as in the fridge, for several weeks (see expiry date on package).

  • DO NOT FREEZE or exposed to more than 30°C.

  • Nematodes can be applied with watering cans or through more commercial methods

  • Normal spraying equipment can be used as well as drip-irrigation or a dosatron

  • If using overhead watering, irrigate once after treatment to wash nematodes off leaves